GMP Business Watch Coordinator of the Year Award 2019 & GMP Manchester City Centre Crime Prevention Panel Security Event.

Tuesday 8th October 2019, the annual Manchester City Centre Crime Prevention Panel security event took place at St Ann’s Church, Manchester city centre.

The event was overseen by the Panel Chair Paul King and formally opened by Assistant Chief Constable Russ Jackson, the head of the North West Counter Terrorism Unit.

Key speakers including Panel Patron, Baroness Beverley Hughes, the Deputy Mayor for Greater Manchester, with responsibility for Crime:

ACC Russ Jackson, updating of the terror threat, Baroness Henig, informing on the private security industry, & Chief Inspector Zac Fraser, informing on the city centre Policing strategy.

The event had as main sponsor Securi-Group, with associate sponsors Selecta DNA and 4 Sight Imaging.

This was a well-attended event (over 300 registered delegates.)

ACC Russ Jackson also presented the GMP Business Watch Coordinator of the Year award to David Perkin.

David Perkin

Chair, Manchester Pub & Club Network
Frog & Bucket Comedy Club

David Perkin was first introduced to Manchester’s night-time economy at the age of 18 when he was involved in running the Student union.  

He helped set up the Manchester Pub and Club network in 1989 with Stuart Pizzey, and the then Chief Inspector Garry Shewan (later Assistant Chief Constable) and later opened Manchester’s first dedicated comedy club the Frog and Bucket in 1994. 

David has been successful within the licensing trade owning and operating several premises within the region.

Over 30 years, David, together with the members of the Manchester Pub and Club Network have helped to develop the hugely successful and much-copied: City Centre Safe Scheme with Greater Manchester Police, the first pager system for licensee’s which developed into the Nitenet radio system, which is now run very well by Cityco. The Best Bar None Award scheme, which was designed to increase safety and security standards within the night-time economy industry. 

David has always worked with Pub and Club Network colleagues to help make the Manchester Night time economy, a safer place for people to use, working with City Council Licensing officers and the local Police service.

He has represented the Network in healthy debates with the Police and Council licensing officers over sensitive issues.  He has always been there to assist helping and develop licensees to become the best in the country, working with the Police.

Commenting on the award, Superintendent Chris Hill, GMP  said: “For 30 years, David has demonstrated support to the Pub & Club Network and to colleagues within the industry, and under his leadership as Chair of the Pub & Club Network, he provides a platform for police messages, and information in allowing the circulation of information and intelligence, some of which is vital in keeping the night-time economy safe.”

“His support to the Police in conveying such police messages during major sporting, and social events, helps to provide for a safer night-time economy for all.”

David Perkin “I am delighted to receive this award on behalf of all my colleagues in the licensing industry. We work in partnership with our friends the Police to help  provide a safer environment for our customers, and to make Manchester a safer place to enjoy.”

Media coverage of Manchester Security 2019: